Take care

Hi there,

I really hope you are all ok and are finding ways to get through this safely. 

I'm sorry I've been quiet, but if I'm honest I haven't known what to say to you.  Life as we know it has been turned upside down, and like you I am trying to come to terms with where we are and what the next day may bring.

We went into isolation early as the kids had coughs and felt unwell, so we are now heading into our 3rd week at home with the recent lock-down in place.  It's been tough at times, but we are all well and counting our blessings for that.
I really hope you and your families stay safe and well.

I just wanted to let you know that I will still be available to answer any questions you have via email.  My working day will be fitting in around my children whilst the schools are closed, so it may just take a little longer to get back to you. 

Printed and posted patterns are on hold during the pandemic, but you can still order PDF instant downloads as normal. 

I would really love to feature lots of your gorgeous projects on my blog over the next few weeks.  So please do send in photos of your knit or crochet projects and I will share as many as I can. Don't worry if you don't have any completed creations, I will be posting WIPs too!  I am sure your gorgeous projects will be very much appreciated by lots of other followers over the next few weeks.... the perfect distraction for us all.
You can email your photos to info@lindawhaley.co.uk oh yes... and do let us know what yarns you have used if you can, as that's always great to know.

Above all.... Take care and stay well. 

Linda X